
More Left-Wing Terrorism? Deranged Alaska Man Charged by DOJ with Threatening to Torture and Kill Six Supreme Court Justices – Sent More Than 465 Threatening Messages

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The Supreme Court as composed June 30, 2022 to present.
Credit: Fred Schilling, Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States.

Not satisfied with trying to take out President Trump, it appears elements of the radical left also have their sights on killing Supreme Court justices.

The Justice Department revealed on Wednesday that 76-year-old Panos Anastasiou was arrested Wednesday for threatening to assassinate six members of the Supreme Court and harm two family members. Moreover, Anastasiou also allegedly threatened to kidnap and torture the justices while encouraging other people to join him in committing acts of violence.

According to the indictment, Anastasiou sent more than 465 messages between January and July to the Supreme Court via an online portal.