
At Virtual ‘Catholics for Harris’ Event, Nun Places Devotion to Liberalism Ahead of Protecting Life (Video)

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“Sister” Simone Campbell/Image: Video screenshot

Sister Simone Campbell took part in a recent virtual event, “Catholics for Harris,” where she downplayed the evil of abortion, putting her devotion to liberalism ahead of her devotion to life.

In a clip shared on X, Campbell said, “Our Catholic faith doesn’t require the outlaw of abortion … it’s about protecting life at all stages. We must trust people’s conscience in difficult situations.”

“Our Catholic faith doesn’t require the outlaw of abortion. It’s about protecting life at all stages. We must trust people’s conscience in difficult situations.” — @sr_simone pic.twitter.com/I1S9OnJLRg

— Catholics for Harris (@Catholic4Harris) September 19, 2024

Lifesite News reports:

The Catholic Church has always taught that abortion is intrinsically evil as it ends the life of an innocent child.