
J6 Political Prisoner Health at Risk – Prison Incompetence

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Guest post by Osprey Sensei

Photo provided by Osprey Sensei

My fiancé Barry Ramey has been through so much during his incarceration after January 6th. Everything from being stabbed in the face, inedible bug-infested food, withholding his mail for weeks on end, unjustified isolations in solitary confinement… the list goes on.

He’s been at FCI Miami for over a year, but they’ve not treated him very well, and what’s happening now may be the most egregious thing to date!

When Barry was held at USP Lewisburg, PA (prior to FCI Miami) they took bloodwork and prescribed him Vitamin D supplements based on the results.

At the end of January this year, FCI Miami took new bloodwork as part of their requirement to renew his Vitamin D supplements.