
MUST READ: One Citizen Platform Has Found a Way to Catch the Fraudulent Ballots and Illegal Voters Before November 1st – Here’s How They Are Doing It

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Guest Post from Jay Valentine

This week, a group of citizens, attorneys, investigators, writers, former elected officials, tech entrepreneurs unveiled a powerful technology platform to even up the fight with Leftist NGOs stealing U.S. elections.

Their site, StopBogusBallots.com is an initiative of Common Sense Elections, a PAC applying quantum speed technology, innovative, successful legal strategies, top flight investigative talent – to exposing mail-ballots from nonsensical addresses BEFORE the votes get counted.

2024 will be decided by mail-in ballots, from 7 swing states, each of which is currently too close to call.

SHOCKING: Election fraud researcher and former California lawmaker Steve Baldwin reveals that voter rolls in swing states are full of illegal voters &