
THE DIRTY LIES OF 60 MINUTES: Far Left News Mag Claims Rosanne Boyland Died from Drug Overdose on January 6 – Refuses to Show Video of Police Pummeling Rosanne’s Body as She Laid on the Cement Dying

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On September 16, 2024, the vile far-left hacks on 60 Minutes ran a political ad for the Kamala Harris’s campaign on the January 6 protests. The segment was the disgusting hit piece on President Trump just weeks before the 2024 election.

There was no opportunity for the Trump Team to respond to the myriad of lies and mistruths presented in the segment.

The news magazine continued to spew their tired lies about what actually took place that day at the US Capitol.

For one, 60 Minutes will never admit in 1,000 years that General Mark Milley ignored his superior, President Trump’s request for the National Guard to be deployed to the US Capitol days before the rallies and protests.