
WATCH: Footage Suggests There Are Currently TWO Loch Ness Monsters

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It’s been almost 100 years since the ‘Nessie’ craze began, turning a bucolic Scottish lake into the home of one of planet earths greatest mysteries – or hoaxes, depending on your views on the subject.

The folklore surrounding Loch Ness gained a new impulse last august, when the ‘newly revamped’ Loch Ness Centre gathered volunteers from across the globe to participate – in person and online – in the ‘largest surface watch’ that put the Scottish highlands back in the world’s eye.

While nothing came out of the event, ‘Nessie Hunters’ are still keeping a watchful eye searching for clues to the mythical creature.

It now arises that new footage of an unidentified hump in Scotland’s Loch Ness surprisingly suggests that ‘there might not be one,