
Rep. Gosar Introduces Groundbreaking Bill to End Big Pharma’s Liability Shield for Vaccine Injuries

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Credit: Gage Skidmore

Rep. Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ), has introduced H.R. 9828, the End the Vaccine Carveout Act.

This legislation seeks to strip vaccine manufacturers of the immunity they have enjoyed for decades, leaving countless victims of vaccine injuries without legal recourse.

Gosar’s proposal is a monumental step in addressing the unfair protections afforded to pharmaceutical giants, who have raked in billions while hiding behind legal shields.

Big Pharma has used legal strategies to reduce its liability in court. ​One such strategy is utilizing the PREP Act, which shields biopharmaceutical companies from lawsuits related to products used in public health emergencies, including vaccines.

The PREP Act, passed in 2005,