
Kachelman on the Revelations of Kamala Harris: The Word Salad Buffet – The Absurdity of “Strength Through Joy” Is Baseless

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Guest post by John L. Kachelman

Kamala Harris serves a bowl full of word salads – Grok AI image

WARNING: To residents of California, Washington, Oregon, New York, Chicago, and others who are politically blind and deaf! The below will not pass the totalitarian ban on parody.

To such readers this article may cause consternation resulting in what my momma used to describe as “gettin’ your bowels in an uproar.” So, if you are prone to revulsion of truthful facts, you may want to pass reading this article.

The old saying that you know when a lawyer is lying is when his lips are moving is more appropriate to those embedded in political shenanigans. This is especially true in the current election cycle.