
After Freedom Party Won the Elections in Austria, Globalists Scramble To Shut Them Out of Power, While Orbán, Le Pen, Wilders and Other European Conservatives Celebrate

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FPO party leader Herbert Kickl.

In the context of Europe growing ever more conservative, the victory of Austria’s Freedom Party (FPO) brings about two simultaneous consequences: on the one hand, the right-wingers all around the ‘old continent’ are celebrating yet another evidence of a new European mindset; on the other hand, the ‘mainstream’ parties in Austria (a.k.a. Globalist servants) are scrambling to find a way to block the FPO victors out of power, denying the people’s will as they are wont to do.

The Freedom Party (FPO) now seeks to ‘clear a path to power’ after their clear parliamentary election victory which still means they need a partner to form a governing coalition.

Reuters reported:

“The triumph of the Eurosceptic,