
War Room Guest Host David Brat on the Biden Regime’s Prioritization of Illegal Aliens Over Hurricane Victims with Congressman Tim Burchett (VIDEO)

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War Room guest host David Brat discusses how illegals are being prioritized over hurricane victims with Congressman Tim Burchett October 3rd, 2024

TGP continues to feature War Room while our fearless MAGA leader Steve Bannon is unjustly sitting in a Federal prison.

War Room guest host David Brat was on earlier today with Republican Congressman Tim Burchett of Tennessee to discuss how the Federal Government is prioritizing illegal aliens over American citizen hurricane victims.

“Congressman, welcome to the War Room. I’ve been seeing headlines. There’s no FEMA money, the numbers are up in the billion dollar ballpark. There are helicopters sitting at the ready, not being used. What in the world is going on?” Brat asked.

“We are about to,