
WAYNE ROOT: Biden & Kamala Say to White, Southern, Trump Voters: “DROP DEAD.” But What If the Victims of This Hurricane Disaster Were Black, Illegal Aliens, or Gay?

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By Wayne Allyn Root

Remember when a Republican President (Gerald Ford) refused to give money to a bankrupt New York City? The newspaper headlines the next day said…

“Ford to NYC: DROP DEAD.”

But that was a Republican President’s message to a bankrupt, crime-ridden, Democrat city that spent like a drunken sailor and wasted all their money on welfare.

Today a Democrat President (who is brain-dead with dementia) and his VP Kamala Harris (not brain-dead, just dumb as a doorknob) have CLEARLY intentionally withheld and “slow-walked” FEMA money and “boots on the ground” for the innocent victims of devastating Hurricane Helene.

American citizens have been betrayed, abandoned, and left behind by our own government.