
Hundreds Of Illegal Aliens Cross Border Daily in San Diego as Smugglers Drive Them to Makeshift Campsite in Local Mountains

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The border crisis is a never-ending problem for the U.S.

Biden’s negligence has caused millions of people to illegally enter the U.S. drain our nation’s resources and jeopardize the safety of our citizens.

Jucumba, which is about 75 miles east of San Diego has been a hangout for thousands of illegals after crossing the border. The high desert has been a drop-off location for smugglers for illegals to live in makeshift camps.

The group Border Kindness, which is a non-governmental organization that helps provide resources for illegals, has provided food and water in areas where terrain is difficult to traverse. While this sounds compassionate, and it is to some degree, the dangers that illegal immigrants face are real.