
Poland Votes on Sunday: More Divided Than Ever – Opposition Accuses Populist Government of ‘Planning to Leave the European Union’

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Poles on polls: the parliamentary election taking place on Sunday is bound to be momentous.

Opposition says will determine ‘the country’s democratic standing and place in the European Union’.

The campaign has been dominated by issues of sovereignty and security.

The nationalist Law and Justice (PiS) party has repeatedly clashed with the EU over reforms.

Reuters reported:

“‘I know… that they are planning systematically, in cold blood, to take Poland out of the European Union’, Donald Tusk, leader of the largest opposition grouping Civic Coalition (KO) told supporters. PiS denies any such plan.”

Poland’s national security and immigration have featured heavily in the campaign.

A souring of relations with Kyiv over Poland’s ‘ban on cheap Ukrainian grain imports’ also took place during the pre-election months.