
Clemson University Students Protest After School Removes Feminine Hygiene Products From Campus Men’s Rooms

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In the age of woke, some schools have started putting tampons in men’s rooms in case a trans man is using the bathroom and needs one.

At Clemson University, the College Republicans mocked the school for doing this and the school eventually removed the products.

Now students are protesting because everything is this stupid now.

FOX News reports:

Students march against university removing tampons from men’s bathrooms

Students at Clemson University held a march this week to protest the removal of feminine hygiene products from men’s bathrooms on campus.

“About 50 students marched across Clemson University on Wednesday to demand that menstrual products be returned to men’s bathrooms in Cooper Library and that the Clemson College Republicans be reprimanded for their role in the tampons’ removal,” The College Fix wrote on Friday.