
You’ll Never Guess Who’s Helping to Fund and Coordinate the Radical Pro-Hamas Protests Happening in America Right Now

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American cities and college campuses are being overrun by radical leftists protesting in favor of Hamas. These protests are not organic. They are being funded and organized and you’ll never guess who is helping to do it.

It’s not George Soros, although no one would be surprised if he was involved in some way.

No, this is being done by Code Pink activist Jodie Evans and her Marxist multi-millionaire husband.

The American Multimillionaire Marxists Funding Pro-Palestinian Rage

Neville Roy Singham and his wife Jodie Evans are China propagandists—and a primary source of the fury exploding on our streets. https://t.co/cDmuBcYa0p

— Mark Dubowitz (@mdubowitz) November 15, 2023

The pro-Palestinian protests are not all organic.