
EXCLUSIVE: Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft Tells Gateway Pundit – The Democrats’ Abortion Proposal Will Legalize Dangerous Hanger Abortions in Missouri (Audio)

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Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft

On Monday, the Missouri Supreme Court rejected an appeal about how to word a ballot question on abortion in the state.

Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft had proposed asking voters whether they are in favor of allowing “dangerous and unregulated abortions until live birth.” The court rejected this wording despite the fact that this is factually correct.  Democrats in the state want to push a new law that will allow unfettered abortion in this deep red state.  The Democrats have had great success with this in several states so they are now pushing this in Missouri.

Missouri lawmakers have already banned abortion except in cases of medical emergency, but proponents of broader access to the procedure are seeking to put a question about it directly before voters next year.