
Tucker Carlson Sheds Light on American Citizen Gonzalo Lira Who’s Been Tortured in Ukrainian Prison — A Case of Political Persecution Reminiscent in the US

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Tucker Carlson with Gonzalo Lira Sr. (Screenshot: @TuckerCarlson/X)

During a striking segment of his show, Tucker Carlson highlighted the plight of an American citizen, Gonzalo Lira, who is being held and tortured in a Ukrainian prison. This case raises an alarming question about the United States’ commitment to its citizens abroad and the realities of political persecution, which seems to be resonating within its borders.

Lira, is a journalist, YouTube personality, and ‘manosphere’ writer going by the name “Coach Red Pill.” He is known for his critical views on the Ukrainian government and the ongoing conflict with Russia and has been in Ukrainian custody since earlier this year.

In February 2022, as Russia invaded Ukraine, Lira, who had been living in Ukraine,