
Pope Francis’ Approval of Priest’s Blessings for Gay Couples: Sensible Move or Radical, Divisive Push?

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Globalist Pope Francis, while publicly planning his own funeral, continues bent on remaking the church through his own ‘peculiar’ interpretation of dogma and doctrine.

After the controversial Synod, and after retaliating against US Conservative prelates who opposed him, Francis continues implementing very divisive doctrines that are sure to send shockwaves through the Catholic world.

Read: Pope Francis’ Synod Sees Deep Division, as Globalist Pontiff Hints Possibility of Blessing Gay Couples and Ordering Women as Priests

The newest controversial decision by the Argentine Pope formally approves and authorizes priests ‘to bless same-sex couples’.

It stands to reason from the standpoint of their human dignity, gay people are indistinguishable from straight ones – no one disputes that.