
OF COURSE: Claudine Gay Likely to Keep $900,000 Salary Despite Resigning in Disgrace as President of Harvard

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Former Harvard president Claudine Gay is likely to keep her $900,000 salary, despite resigning in disgrace after a plagiarism scandal, and her disgraceful testimony in congress about anti-Semitism on Harvard’s campus.

The left always takes care of their own and Claudine Gay is no different.

Gay will also stay on at Harvard as a member of the faculty and don’t be surprised if she lands a lucrative deal as a contributor on CNN or MSNBC.

The FOX Business Network reports:

Claudine Gay to continue as Harvard faculty member, likely to keep $900K salary

The recently-resigned Harvard President Claudine Gay will still likely earn nearly $900,000 a year despite there being numerous plagiarism allegations against her.