
After Being an Integral Part of the First Roger Stone Witch Hunt, CNN Happily Joins In On the Latest Roger Stone Attack

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Guest post by Jacob Engels

It is not coincidental that the very same corporately owned “fake news” media outlets who insisted for two years that longtime Trump advisor and legendary Republican political operative, Roger Stone was in-league with the Russian State to aid the Trump campaign and collaborated with WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange and the same people who frantically pushed the Russian collusion hoax have now embarked on an entirely new-and baseless attempt to implicate Stone in the illegal acts committed at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Donald Trump’s long-time, colorful associate was a high-value target for the witch hunt engineered by Deep State hitman Robert Mueller. For two solid years, Stone was subjected to a relentless torrent of baseless allegations that he was “the access point” between  WikiLeaks for Trump’s presidential campaign.