
EXCLUSIVE: Ashli Babbitt’s Mother Speaks to The Gateway Pundit About $30 Million Wrongful Death Lawsuit Against Federal Government and “Sloppy Cop” Michael Byrd on 3rd Anniversary of Jan 6, 2021 (VIDEO)

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Central Detention Facility in Washington, DC

Micki Whitthoeft, the mother of January 6 police-murder victim and four-time Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, commented last night on her daughter’s murder and the historic lawsuit to hold Capitol Police Officer Michael Byrd accountable.

Whithoeff spoke to The Gateway Pundit last night on the third anniversary of January 6, 2021, during her and other patriots’ nightly prayer vigil in honor of January 6 victims, who died, are rotting in prison, or currently fighting bogus charges.

Witthoeft and fellow patriots gather nearly every night outside of the DC Gulag to pray for justice for the January 6 hostages held by our government without due process and speak to January 6 Defendants who call in from prison.