
Bullfight Ban in Mexico City Is Overturned by Supreme Court – Expectation and Outrage Mount as the Return of the Bloody Spectacle Is Imminent

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Very few cultural manifestations in the world can be as divisive and controversial as the bullfight.

Many find what happens in the bullring as abhorrent as can be, while some others are fervent admirers or defend it from a cultural standpoint.

The millenary Spanish-style bullfighting is practiced in the westernmost countries of Europe: Spain, Portugal, Southern France, as well as Latin American former Spanish colonies of Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, and Peru.

The Spanish Fighting Bull, while subjected to unspeakable violence during the ‘corrida de toros’, is bred for aggression and a strong physique, therefore is raised free-range with little human contact. Proponents of the bullfight argue the bull ‘only has one bad day in its life’.