
TGP FactCheck: Politifact Editor-In-Chief Bizarrely Claims Sending Sick COVID Patients to NY Nursing Homes Was Inconsequential

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Angie Drobnic Holan is the Editor-in-Chief of the far left PolitiFact website. On Sunday Holan joined Brian Stelter on CNN’s “Reliable Sources.”

Politifact makes a living on “fact-checking” conservative websites and ignoring wild conspiracies on the left.

This morning during a discussion on Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo, Angie Drobnic Holan gave the murderous governor a complete pass for killing seniors in nursing homes in New York state.

Holan had this to say on Governor Cuomo’s COVID nursing home scandal, “I think the situation in New York is really complicated… We don’t see hard evidence that [his order] made a significant difference in COVID deaths.” Holan then added that the “issue” was employees bringing in COVID.