
New Hampshire Tracking Poll: Trump Dominates With 53 Percent Support; Catches Up to Haley With Independents

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The hope of the Nikki Haley campaign to defeat President Trump in the New Hampshire GOP presidential primary on Tuesday with independent (“undeclared”) and disaffected Republican voters appears to being going down in flames with Trump now over 50 percent support overall, leading Haley 53 to 36 percent, while almost catching up to Haley with independents 44-45 percent, according to the daily tracking poll of 500 likely GOP primary voters by Suffolk University, the Boston Globe and NBC 10 released Saturday. (Previous TGP report on the N.H. tracking poll.)

At a New Hampshire campaign event, Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley reacted to learning Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) endorsed rival President Trump, screen image via Mark Halperin,  » READ MORE