
‘Dexit’: Germany’s Soaring AfD Mulls Future Referendum to Exit the European Union

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AfD’s Alice Weidel.

All over Europe, the Globalist-Liberal governments are under relentless pressure, faring very poorly at the polls in the run-up to the European Parliament elections.

Plagued by unchecked mass migration, crippling insane environmental policies, economic stagnation and a general decay of the quality of life, voters are flocking to conservative and right wing parties that have been denouncing these issues and rejecting these policies for years.

But perhaps nowhere in the old continent does a right-wing party generate so much hope and so much fear as the case of Alternative for Germany (AfD), the official ‘bogeyman’ for the unelected Brussels bureaucrats and the world’s MSM in general.

Now Alice Weidel, leader of the poll-topping party,