
EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS! GP Calls Out Dirty DOJ Prosecutors On Camera Outside D.C. Kangaroo Court! Alleged Federal Agents Confronted! MUST SEE VIDEOS!

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After violent J6 cop Lila Morris testified in court yesterday at J6 defendant Luke Coffee’s trial, we waited outside to catch her on her way out of the courthouse. The second Morris left the courtroom she was flanked by a group of what appeared to be approximately five federal agents and attorneys. 

The Gateway Pundit waited outside to interview her about her alleged assault of Trump supporter Rosanne Boyland, but Officer Morris literally vanished without a trace.

Our only interview options left were the feds and the swamp creature DOJ prosecutors that had just portrayed Officer Morris as a victim on January 6th…when Morris was the one seen violently beating peaceful protester Rosanne Boyland before she died. These heartless prosecutors are also attempting to convict Mr.