Stunning Testimony in the Mann v. Steyn Defamation Trial: Climate Alarmist Mann is Not Paying a Penny for his Army of Lawyers!
Guest Author: Defense Attorney Roger Roots, J.D., Ph.D.
Defendant Mark Steyn (in wheelchair), assisted by former Congresswoman Michelle Bachman, R-MN, after court on Jan. 24 (Roger Roots, photo).
“The left” is bankrupting voices on “the right” in lawfare defamation trials around the country.
Multi-million-dollar defamation judgments have recently been imposed against Alex Jones, Rudy Giuliani, Ammon Bundy, and even Donald Trump. And now, a twelve-year-old defamation lawsuit by climate activist professor Michael Mann against Mark Steyn and Rand Simberg has gotten underway in a D.C. courtroom.
Steyn is the conservative writer and spokesman who regularly substituted for Rush Limbaugh on his top-ranked radio program.
Simberg is a former science expert at the Competitive Enterprise Institute,