
Ilhan Omar Speech on Representing Somalia in Congress Goes Viral With Calls to Expel Her From the House

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Somalian refugee Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) gave a speech to the Somali community in Minnesota on Saturday that has gone viral thanks to English translation subtitles. The translations have Omar saying she and her fellow Somalis are Somali first and Muslim second–with no mention of being American. Omar also said she represents Somalia in Congress and told the audience that they control the U.S. government’s Somalia policy.

Outraged Americans called for Omar’s expulsion from the House of Representatives.

Reporting on the speech is sketchy as to the location, however a banner can be seen in the video with a partial date and location of “(Janua)ary 27, 2024…(Ho)tel Minneapolis”, indicating the speech was given in Minneapolis on Saturday;