
EXCLUSIVE: Pentagon Forces Army Reserve Troops in Midwest to Conduct Mock Exercise with Gov. Abbott’s “Drowning Migrants in the Rio Grande” and Texas Soldier Shooting Swimming Migrants Yelling “America First“ — A Violation of HATCH Act

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Illegal migrants cross the Rio Grande at Del Rio, Texas crossing – via Ted Cruz on X

A group of Midwest-based U.S. Army Reserve legal offices (LODs) engaged in a mandatory weekend drill was thrust into a contentious political scenario that has since drawn sharp criticism and allegations of federal law violations.

Earlier this month, the remote exercise conducted over Microsoft Teams took an unexpected turn when LOD commanders were handed a last-minute politically biased scenario and ordered to use this scenario to engage with their Reserve legal officers (JAGs).

High-ranking officials from the Pentagon issued the drill fact pattern and were reportedly monitoring the call.

An individual familiar with the situation, who requested anonymity, shared this with The Gateway Pundit concerning this matter:

On Saturday,