
BREAKING: VIDEO RELEASED – US Federal Agents Arrest Reporter Steve Baker for Covering Jan. 6 Protests and Challenging Official Narrative

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FBI officials arrest Journalist Steve Baker for reporting on the January 6 protests and questioning the official narrative.

The Blaze journalist Steve Baker was arrested on Friday morning by FBI agents for reporting on the January 6 protests and challenging the official narrative.

Blaze Media Investigative Journalist @TPC4USA has now been taken into FBI custody for his J6 reporting

Watch: pic.twitter.com/OF9WVh26ER

— TheBlaze (@theblaze) March 1, 2024

The Blaze contributor Steve Baker

Nearly three years after the January 6, 2021 fedsurrection, Blaze reporter Steve Baker reported in December that he will be charged for his actions that day reporting live on the event.

Steve wrote in October 2023 that he was under investigation for the past two years by Chris Wray’s FBI for reporting at the historic protests in Washington DC.