
TGP’s Jim Hoft Joins Steve Bannon to Discuss the Gravest Injustice in US History – The Persecution of the Jan. 6 Protesters

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Steve Bannon and Jim Hoft


On Friday The Gateway Pundit writer Alicia Powe published a report by Roger Roots, J.D., Ph.D.

A Thousand Years of Prison Time Over A 6-Hour Delay of Congress: January 6 Show Trials Now Represent The Gravest Injustice In U.S. History

Roots writes about the single greatest mass infringement on fundamental First Amendment freedoms – The persecution of January 6 protesters.

Please take the time to read over this shocking report when you have time.

In the report, Roots reveals these brutal facts about the lawlessness of the current regime in the persecution of J6 prisoners:

** As these words are written, the US District Court for DC is approaching a grim milestone.