
Sen. Tuberville Drops A BOMB on Proposed Ukraine Spending: “I Guarantee You that Some of the 60 Billion Is Sending Over Mercenaries, Our Kids, Paying Them to Fight Over There”

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Senator Tommy Tuberville and Steve Bannon

Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville joined Steve Bannon on The War Room on Friday following Joe Biden’s incredibly partisan and completely dishonest State of the Union Address to the American people last night in Washington DC.

During their discussion, Tommy was asked about the the US spending on the Ukraine War.

Tommy dropped this bomb on the Ukraine War spending, “I guarantee you that some of this 60 billion is sending over mercenaries, our kids, paying them to fight over there.”

The US government is paying for Americans to fight in Ukraine – and hiding this from the American public.

That’s a serious accusation.

Steve Bannon: The key problem they got is Zelensky can’t get the 500,000 new troops.