
Criminals with Ties to MS-13 Brazenly Sell Fake IDs and Green Cards to Illegals in NYC , Officials Warn of Looming Threat

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The flood of nearly 180,000 migrants to New York City since the spring of 2022 has created a cottage industry for criminals with ties to MS-13 and other violent gangs.

In a report from The New York Post, criminals were observed openly and brazenly selling fake green cards and social security cards to illegals on street corners.

Forged documents can open a bank account, secure employment,  and potentially obtain valid documents.  They can even be used to avoid a trail of criminal offenses.

Bruce Foucart, a former special agent in charge of Homeland Security investigations in New England, told The Post that, armed with forged IDs, someone could “load up a truck with bombs … and bring it underneath the Holland Tunnel and create something major and disastrous.”

“For someone that wants to do terrorist activity or is a national security threat,