
Rutgers President Abandons Terrified Jewish Students – Flees Town Hall as Pro-Hamas Radicals Shout Anti-Israel Slogans and Calling for an Intifada

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Image: @StopAntisemites/X

On Thursday, the Rutgers University Student Assembly held a town hall event where two BDS (boycott, divest, and sanction) referendums were up for a vote.

The referendums would sever ties with Tel Aviv University and divest from anything connected to Israel.

The event was disrupted by a group of “out of control” pro-Palestinian protesters shrieking anti-Israel slogans like “one solution, intifada revolution.”

Rutgers pic.twitter.com/yLYLodgyag

— Playteaux (@Playteaux1) April 7, 2024

The antisemitic cess pool continues to spill over at Rutgers University as pro Palestinian radicals call for the removal of the Jewish nation and for more violence against Jews.

How much longer are you going to allow the harassment of your Jewish students @RutgersU?!