
Flyers Distributed by a Mexican NGO Instruct Illegal Aliens to Vote for Biden in Upcoming U.S. Election: “We Need Another Four Years of His Term to Stay Open”

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Source: Getty Images

Flyers instructing illegal immigrants to vote for Joe Biden in the forthcoming U.S. election have been reportedly distributed at a non-governmental organization (NGO) in Mexico, according to an investigation by The Oversight Project, a watchdog initiative linked to the Heritage Foundation.

The controversial flyers were discovered scattered around the Resource Center Matamoras (RCM), an establishment known for aiding migrants. Some of these were even found on the walls inside port-a-potties at the location.

These flyers were discovered by @realmuckraker throughout the Resource Center Matamoras (RCM) location including on the walls of port-a-potties

They also appear to be handed out when illegal aliens use the RCM for assistance in coming to the USA pic.twitter.com/hvlkwOI5Xs

— Oversight Project (@OversightPR) April 16,