
Trump Cuts Biden’s Lead in New York to 10 Points as Democrats Election Interference Efforts Backfire – Union Leader Says Trump Leads Biden Among his Members 3:1 (VIDEO)

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Enterprise Association of Steamfitters Local 638 Manager Bobby Barlels

President Trump is narrowing Joe Biden’s lead in Democratic New York with the Democrats’ lawfare against him proving to be a witch hunt.

As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier, President Trump arrived at a construction site in New York on Thursday morning to greet union workers, and he was met with thunderous chants of “USA!” “USA!”

New York Union Workers Chant “USA!” As President Trump Visits Their Construction Site – Union Leader Trashes Democrats, Praises Trump (VIDEO)

Trump told Fox News earlier, “I think these maybe were Democrats, but for me, they’re Republican.”

“There’s not a Democrat in there,” he added:

The union workers love Trump,