
“The RINO Establishment Republican Party’s Biggest Nightmare is a Candidate They Can’t Control.” New York State GOP EXPOSED! OP-ED.

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Op-ed by United States Senate Candidate Cara Castronuova

The establishment Republican party’s biggest nightmare is a candidate they can’t control.

That is why my own party is trying to get me kicked off the ballot to run for United States Senate in New York. Furthermore, my spineless RINO opponent is now suing me in the New York State Supreme Court to remove me from the ballot.


What a loser.

The spineless individual running against me in the Republican primary has such a small set he launched a lawsuit against me to have my 15,000 plus petitions invalidated as another angle to get me knocked off the ballot.

What a… pic.twitter.com/SiVwtqOPzY

— Cara Castronuova (@CaraCastronuova) April 21,