
Republicans Finally Notice Hillary’s Attorney Behind Nearly Every 2020 Election Lawsuit Has Conflict of Interest in Attempt to Steal Iowa Republican House Seat

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Hillary Clinton’s Attorney, behind nearly every major 2020 election lawsuit from the left, is now inserting himself into a lawsuit in Iowa where Pelosi’s Democrats are trying to steal a seat won by a Republican.

Hillary’s attorney Marc Elias was involved in the Steele dossier, which was the garbage report created to slander candidate and then President Trump, and tie him to Russia while crippling his Administration.  Elias was there from the start:

HUGE! Clinton Campaign Attorney Mark Elias Admitted in Testimony He Sent the Bill from Fusion GPS for Dossier Directly to Campaign Manager Robbie Mook

Next came the 2020 election where Elias was involved in nearly every case involving the election across the nation.