
Republicans Join Democrat Corruption – Vote to Accept Earmarks and the Frivolous Spending That Goes with Them

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The Republican Party has agreed to join in on the Democrat’s corrupt practice of earmarks.  This is not good for the long-term solvency of the nation.

Earmarks are the congressional pet projects and special interest programs stuffed into pork-barrel spending bills. 

Pelosi’s House Democrats proposed up to $13 billion in earmarks on House appropriations bills, 10 per member, for a total of up to 4,350 earmarks for fiscal year 2022.

According to Forbes:

Congressional earmarks are back. The Democratic majority in the U.S. House of Representatives will allow up to $13 billion in earmarks on House appropriations bills, 10 per member, for a total of up to 4,350 earmarks for fiscal year 2022.