
“Holy Cow… I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This, I’m Like Speechless” – CNN Data Reporter Shocked at Trump’s Level of Support with Black Voters (VIDEO)

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Credit: Daily Caller/ CNN Screenshot

A CNN data reporter was left stunned as he revealed President Trump’s level of support with black voters, especially younger ones.

As the Daily Caller reported, CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten appeared with reporter John Berman Monday morning to discuss the state of the 2024 Presidential race. When the topic turned to how candidates are faring among black voters, Enten had some stunning news to share with CNN viewers.

According to polling shared by Enten, Trump is on his way to a historic overperformance with blacks, winning over 20% of these voters when Republicans, on average, win less than 10%.

More significantly, there is no sign of this sudden surge reverting to historic norms anytime soon,