
Increasingly Controversial Brigitte Macron Sues Journalist and Clairvoyant for Defamation, After Rumors That She Was Born a Man Spread Like Wildfire

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French President Emmanuel Macron’s second mandate is an unmitigated train wreck – and his older wife is not helping at all.

France grapples with a stagnant economy and revolting Farmers against crippling ‘Green’ policies. Unchecked mass migration is at its most catastrophic, fueling the social chaos ripping across the social tissue. The former African colonies expelling French troops and – last but not least – Macron’s constant war-mongering over Ukraine: all those factors have turned the Republic heavily against him.

Marine Le Pen’s opposition conservative RN party inflicted Macron a hard defeat in the European Elections, and the snap elections that he called on July 4th may yield an RN prime Minister making him a lame-duck President for three more years.