
Iowa Supreme Court Upholds 6-Week Abortion Ban

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Iowa Supreme Court

On Friday, the Iowa Supreme Court ruled in favor of the state’s heartbeat law and ordered a lower court to dissolve its temporary injunction against the ban.

The Gateway Pundit reported that in 2023, Iowa Republicans passed legislation that bans most abortions after six weeks of pregnancy.

The bill, which bans abortions after a baby’s heartbeat can be detected, was passed just after 11 p.m. during a special session.

Under the bill, exceptions can be made to save the mother’s life, miscarriages, and fetal abnormalities that a doctor determines are “incompatible with life.”

There are also exceptions for cases of rape and incest, provided that the rape was reported to law enforcement or a physician within 45 days — or 140 days in the case of incest.