
Members of the Military Continue to Seek Upgraded Discharges and Accountability for the 2021 COVID-19 Shot Mandate

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When Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin officially announced the military COVID-19 shot mandate in August 2021, Airman First Class Briana Céspedes was stationed in South Korea.

According to her recent contribution to The Gateway Pundit, “she received an email directly from her Wing Commander, without anyone cc’d, directly stating that if she did not get the COVID-19 vaccine by the end of [September 2021], she would be disobeying a lawful order”—which could result in court martial and dishonorable discharge from the Air Force.

The 22-year-old, who continued to refuse the COVID shot on the grounds of religion and more, spent 112 days in isolation, nearly four months in quarantine, and faced repeated, coercive threats of discharge and loss of benefits.