
Durandal, the Legendary Sword of Roland, Known as the ‘French Excalibur’, Is Missing From Small Rocamadour Village, Feared Stolen

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After remaining 1300 years wedged into a 32-feet high rock in the pleasant little French village of Rocamadour, Durandal, the sword of fabled medieval Knight Roland has reportedly disappeared, and it’s presumed to have been stolen.

Durandal is the rough equivalent of Britain’s Excalibur, which mythical King Arthur  pulled from a rock to become King.

But who was it that did wrench Durandal from the stone is a mystery – a mystery that French gendarmerie will try to solve.

Telegraph reported:

“All the town knows is that one of its main tourist attractions has vanished. It is presumed stolen and an investigation has been launched.

Durandal was the sword of Roland,