
Globalist Justice: Polish Priest Imprisoned Without Charges, Denied Food and Water and Tortured in Solitary Confinement for Weeks

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Michał Olszewski (photo: Radio Maryja)

For years, the EU has claimed that democracy in Poland was in danger from the ruling conservative Law & Justice party (PiS). Since 2017, the EU has questioned the rule of law in Poland, just as in Hungary. When former European Council President Donald Tusk came to power in December 2023, all was supposed to get better. Just like in Lula’s Brazil and Joe Biden’s USA, the opposite happened: Since his takeover of power in December 2023, the model democrat Donald Tusk started locking up the political opposition in Poland. Now, an imprisoned priest claims has was tortured.

Immediately after Donald Tusk came to power with only 30.7% of the votes, he had the public broadcaster TV Poland stormed by the police and the management fired.