
Foreign Officials Say Old Joe Biden Appeared Exhausted and Required Scheduled Downtime During Visits (VIDEO)

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He’s fine. Leave Old Joe alone.

The legacy media is working overtime now that they were caught in front of the entire world openly lying about Joe Biden’s severe dementia.

CNN pretends they did not know Joe Biden had severe dementia.

They got caught, now these liars are finally reporting a smidgeon of truth about Joe Biden’s cognitive decline.

On Thursday, CNN reported from the NATO gathering in Washington DC that foreign officials say Old Joe required scheduled downtime during his visits.

CNN reporter: We spoke with dozens of democratic strategists, aides, officials across the Biden administration and across the party at large. And there was one consistent theme, and that was widespread anger and sadness at seeing the president’s decline on full display on the debate stage two weeks ago after what they chalk up to careful choreography among the president’s closest advisors to shield him from public view over the last year or potentially before that.