
David vs. Goliath – an NAACP Faction Faces Off Against Grassroots Canvassers in an Election Case Few Know About

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From left to right: Defendants Ashe Epp, Col. Shawn Smith, Holly Kasun – photo courtesy of Matt Struck

After the 2020 Presidential election, millions upon millions of Americans saw something they’d never seen before.  Counting shut down in the middle of the night in key parts of imperative swing states.  Edison data zeroed out in the middle of the night.  And when we all woke up in the morning, Joe Biden had overcome insurmountable leads in most of those locations, and closed the gap in the others.

Counting would go on for several days, during which time Biden was able to close on differences of just under a million votes in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, and Wisconsin combined.  Arizona flipped blue for the first time since 1996 and just the second time since 1948.