
FIREWORKS! Matt Gaetz Gets In Kevin McCarthy’s Face at RNC Convention (VIDEO)

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GOP Congressman Matt Gaetz confronted former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy at the RNC Convention in Milwaukee on Tuesday.

“What night are you speaking? Are you speaking tonight?” Gaetz shouted at McCarthy as someone pulled the Florida lawmaker back.

McCarthy ignored Gaetz so he came back and taunted him one more time.

“If you took that stage you would booed off of it. You’d get booed off the stage!” Gaetz said to McCarthy.

McCarthy refused to engage as Matt Gaetz pulled back.


Very awkward moment- Congressman Matt Gaetz tries to interrupt former Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s interviews, taunting him “Hey Kevin, what night are you speaking?” pic.twitter.com/vE1W5FvTqH

— Joe Khalil (@JoeKhalilTV) July 16,