
Gestapo Knocking: Elon Musk Says Germany “Crushing Freedom of Speech Under a Jackboot” with Ban on “Compact” Magazine

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Shades of Roger Stone arrest: Police raid right-wing publisher Jürgen Elsässer Monday morning

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (Social Democrats) ordered police to shut down the leading right-wing monthly magazine “Compact” and sent 200 armed officers to raid the home of publisher Jürgen Elsaesser Monday. Now the crackdown on free speech seems to be backfiring, however, as more and more call for Faeser’s resignation and Elon Musk chimes in.

The Gateway Pundit has reported on Germany’s “Antifa”-aligned homeland security minister Nancy Faeser, who published a comment in “Antifa” magazine 2021, which is run by a group considered “far-left” and “communist aligned” by the Bavarian secret police.

In 2022, Faeser was involved in a plot to oust Germany’s head of Cybersecurity,