
EXCLUSIVE: Giuliani Blasts ‘Incompetent’ Secret Service DEI Chief for ‘Amateur’ Protection During Trump Assassination Bid

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In an exclusive interview at the recent Republican National Committee event, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani voiced his criticism of the Secret Service’s handling of the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump.

The Gateway Pundit team was on hand as popular podcaster Myron Gaines, also known as UnplugFITx, interviewed Giuliani about the shocking incident.

Giuliani shared his thoughts on the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump.

Guiliani: “I think it was the culmination of very, very substantial attempts to destroy our democracy, going back to Russian collusion, the hard drive cover-up, the quid pro quo phony impeachment, the January 6 gross exaggeration of what happened, the lawful indictments.

I mean,